1863Arthur J (AJ) Raffles is born
1867Harry “Bunny” Mathers is born
1880Raffles and Bunny meet it a Public School
1882Le Premier Pas
1891Sunday, March 15
The Ideas of March
Sunday, April 5 to Wednesday, April 8
A Costume Piece
Wednesday, May 24 to Thursday, May 25
Out of Paradise
Friday, May 26
Raffles returns to Palace Gardens to speak with Bunny’s ex fiancee
Monday, July 13 to Saturday August 15
Gentlemen and Players
Saturday August 15
Raffles tells Bunny of his first crime
Early October
Raffles and Bunny in Ireland
Mid October
Willful Murder (1day)
The Spoils of Sacrilege
The Field of Philippi
Late October
Nine Points of the Law (2 days)
The Return Match (1 day)
The Criminologists’ club
April (before Easter)
The Chest of Silver
Thursday, July 20
A Bad Night
To Trap a Cracksman
Before July 10th
Raffles in Calsbad for two weeks
Tuesday, July 10 to Tuesday July 17
Mr. Justice Raffles
Tuesday, July 17 to later July
Raffles and Bunny escape to the continent Bunny returns to London would not see Raffles again until later August
August to September
The Rest Cure
1895-Bunny hadn’t seen Raffles for a few months, moved closer to the River
Sunday, June
Bunny with Raffles on river
July Wednesday to Tuesday (week and an half)
The Emperors Gift
August 1895 to February 1897
Bunny in prison for 18 months
August 1895
Raffles on Elba a few weeks
September 1895 to March 1896
Raffles on Baize island (The Fate of Faustina)
1897March or April
Raffles back in London posing as Mr. Maturin
Tuesday, May 11
No Sinecure
Wednesday, June 16 to Saturday, June 19
A Jubilee Present
Early August
Raffles sees an organ grinders in the street and tells Bunny The Fate of Faustina
Late September
The Last Laugh (2 days)
To Catch A Thief (1day)
Late October to November
An Old Flame (a few weeks)
Mr. Maturin “dies”
Bunny takes rooms on the edge of Ham Common
The Wrong House
Raffles and Bunny become obsessed with the Boor War
The Raffles Relics
1900 The Knees of the Gods
Raffles decided to enlist in the army to fight in the Boor War. Raffles dyes his hair red.
Raffles and Bunny sail off to South Africa
Connel leads troops in the wrong direction
Tuesday, 13 March
Bloemfontein is captured
Peter Bellingham recognizes Raffles
Raffles is killed and Bunny is wounded in the leg
Wednesday, June 27
Bunny meets his ex fiancee
Thursday, June 28
The Last Word
1908Bunny meets Teddy at a Turkish bath and convinces him to write the story of Mr. Justice