With the death Ian Fleming in 1964 and the release of the remaining James Bond stories; The Man with the Golden Gun in 1965 and Octopussy and the Living Daylights in 1966. Glidrose made the decision to look to other authors to continue the Bond saga.
In 1967 the world would see the first non Ian Fleming James Bond novel. But this novel did not feature agent 007, it was about his nephew James Bond junior. In face the adult Bond never makes an appearance in the book at all. R.D. Mascott is given as a pseudonym for a famous author but to this day there is debate as to who the author really is. Most people believe it to be Arthur Calder-Marshall. For more information on the book itself or Arthur Calder-Marshall check out look at this great page on Commanderbond. net 0031/2: The Adventures of James Bond Junior.
How does this fit into the Bond cannon, well it doesn’t really. Creating a logical chronology from James Bond Junior is difficult for many reasons, the most obvious being Bond’s creator Ian Fleming never mentioned him and had impeded he had not other living relative other then his aunt. This easiest way of solving this is to say 0031/2: The Adventures of James Bond Junior is apocryphal and discount it from the cannon. But for the sake of argument it was sanctioned by Gliderose, Ian Fleming’s production company, so let’s see what we can do.
We can explained why he is unknown to the cannon because David Bond is not close to his brother James. A reasonable explanation to this is to say David was born much later then James, close to the time of their parents dead. Soon after their dead James went off to Eton, so James would not have know David growing up. Another reason could be that he is kept out of the books for his own safety.
The second problem would be that it is stated that “three years before…(David)…inherited (land) from his father.” This would be very difficult seeing the Bond’s father was killed in the 1930s. But this can be explained in a similar manner that people have explained that James Bond had gotten his Bentley new in 1933. He really didn’t his father had gotten the car and it went to James upon his fathers death. Being the oldest son, most of his fathers assets went to James, including his land. In 1963 James Bond was thought to have been killed when Blofeld’s castle was destroyed in You Only Live Twice. There is even an obituary for him. Therefore David would have inherited the land from James, who inherited from his father. It is accepted that You Only Live Twice too place in 1963, therefore this would place 0031/2: The Adventures of James Bond Junior, three years later in the year 1965.
In the book, everyone knows that James Bond is 007. This may seem ridicules, but this is an invention of Ian Flemings. In the books, especially The Spy Who Loved Me, it is stated that Fleming is writing the Bond books, so it does make sense that people would know who he is. The question should be do they believe that he is real or not.
James Bond Junior Chronology
James Bond Junior Chronology

David Bond is born
James Bond jr is born
October 9
James Bond is missing thought to be dead after the destruction of Blofeld’s castle
Late October
David Bond inherits land from is older brother James
James jr writes to his uncle James and receives a hunting knife from him
0031/2: The Adventures of James Bond Junior